This episodic podcast follows Host David Payne and Producer Jody Gottlieb’s efforts to uncover new information on the 2001 murder of Thomas Crane Wales, who was shot through his basement window 17 years ago.
Wales was an attorney, community activist, and federal prosecutor in Seattle, Washington. The 49-year-old, recently-divorced father of two children was living at home alone, when someone snuck into his backyard and shot him multiple times before running away in the night.
A former federal prosecutor himself, Payne re-examines the web of evidence, new leads, and theories developed by the FBI as they tried to identify and indict Wales’ killer. Insights provided by former law enforcement, FBI agents, journalists and lawyers take them across the country, as Payne and Gottlieb try to figure out who killed Tom Wales and why they haven’t been brought to justice after all this time.