Payne and Gottlieb return to the scene of the crime to understand what happened and to chase down a 16-year-old lead.
Oh, this is Emily?
People Referenced
Dan Olsby

Former neighbor of Tom Wales and eyewitness
Ralph Fascitelli

Friend of Tom Wales; President, Washington Ceasefire
Emily Holt

Former neighbor of Tom Wales and eyewitness
Michele Zacco

Former owner of Pontevecchio’s Italian Bistro in the Freemont suburb of Seattle
“I think this is what makes the podcast so interesting. This is almost a government coverup.”

Ralph Fascitelli
President, Washington CeasefireDon't Miss an Episode
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This podcast investigates a murder that occurred in 2001. It is a true story. But the opinions of the hosts and interviewees are simply that, opinions, not facts, and the credibility of the witnesses and what they say is to be determined by the listener. Everyone is presumed innocent until proven otherwise in a court of law.